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Streaming Videos

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The University Libraries subscribes to these databases that provide streaming videos.

Docuseek2 provides access to academic streaming videos, with over 600 titles in all major disciplines.

Films on Demand
Films On Demand provides access to more than 11,000 online streaming videos from the Films Media Group.

More Interdisciplinary Videos

By Subject

The University Libraries subscribes to many subject-specific databases of streaming videos.

Anatomy TV
An excellent tool for studying anatomy, Anatomy TV enables you to rotate a 360 degree view of the human body in 15 layers.

Education in Video
Education in Video is specifically for training and developing teachers. This collection contains more than 1,000 video titles totaling 750 hours of teaching demonstrations, lectures, documentaries, and primary-source footage of students and teachers in actual classrooms.

Ethnographic Video Online
An online collection of classic and contemporary documentaries from around the world, in the fields of anthropology, ethnography and social psychology.

More Streaming Videos by Subject


In addition to the resources the library subscribes to, there are many websites featuring streaming video.

PBS Learning Media
Built specifically for teachers, this resource contains streaming video resources.

Library of Congress: American Memory
Access to hundreds of early films.

NASA Videos
Browse a large collection of videos relating to space and science

More Streaming Video Websites

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Page last modified October 5, 2023