Let's Take Ultra to the Next Level
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Starting May 8, 20024加入我们每周三的黑板超级午餐和学习虚拟办公时间! eLearning staff will be ready to help you from 12 to 12:30 pm. Join us in Zoom.

3 Tips to Help You Prepare for the New Semester

Tip 1.  Learn Your Student’s Names
Using your students' ID photos is an excellent way to learn their names. 您可以通过GVSU教职员工附加横幅应用程序中的“班级列表”工具轻松访问这些照片(校外访问需要VPN连接)。.

注意:教师只能在他们是班纳的记录讲师的课程中看到照片. Assistance with using this tool can be found in this Knowledge Base article found in our Service Portal.

Tip 2.  Check your Bb Readiness
The New Semester Checklist 是一个回顾Blackboard中一些基本和重要功能的好地方. Bb makes it easy to share your syllabus or a lecture, efficiently collect and manage assignments, and securely share grades and feedback.  A PDF version of our checklist 也可以帮助教师确保一个成功的学期开始.

Tip 3. Get your students oriented
All students and faculty have been enrolled in a Blackboard "orientation" site 旨在帮助学生准备和确定他们对在线学习的准备. 定向为在线学习的成功提供建议和技巧,并使学生熟悉他们的课程将使用的许多Blackboard Ultra功能. When you create your welcome announcement, 提醒你的学生复习入学指导网站是个不错的主意,这样他们就能为一个成功的学期做好准备.


From Surviving to Thriving! Extend your Learning!

没有机会问这个紧迫的问题,也不想深入研究5月13日讨论的特定话题, 2024, event? We are eager to assist you further.

Reach out to us for:

  • Additional resources on the topics covered
  • One-on-one consultations for tailored support
  • Follow-up workshops or training sessions

我们致力于支持你们继续学习,并加强你们的教学实践. 让我们继续对话,一起充分利用我们的学习经验! 主题和演讲者的链接在“了解更多”下面,这样你就可以联系到后续支持.  

Learn more

2024 Fall Bb Courses

As of July 1, 2024, 在班纳被列为秋季学期教学记录的教师将可以访问他们的Blackboard Ultra课程. If you don't see your course, please contact your department coordinator. Student enrollments for Blackboard will begin on August 5, 2024. 

Before you start building your Spring/Summer course site, 我们想强调几个常见的要求,这将有助于你下学期.

T-Squared: a Teaching and Technology Podcast


Curious about Artificial Intelligence and Education?

If you're curious about the impact of AI on higher education, 我们邀请您加入电子学习技术和创新研究团队,参加播客“T-Squared:教学和技术播客”的特别季节."

每一集都会深入探讨人工智能和教育的一个方面. 在这一季的第二集和第三集中,马特·罗伯茨和雅各布·福特曼与Dr. 大峡谷大学历史系的Eric Covey谈到了人工智能的使用所引发的伦理问题.

收听剧集,订阅Apple podcast或Spotify,了解更多信息 please visit the podcast's website.

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What Works Better in Ultra

Sure, Blackboard Learn Ultra has a new and improved interface. More importantly, though, Ultra also works better than Blackboard Classic. Take a look at our list of "What Works Better in Ultra."

What your Students Say about Bb Ultra

At the end of the fall semester, Anthology and Information Technology teamed up to host an Exam Cram event, distributing over 2,000个甜甜圈和热巧克力标志着整个健康向Bb Ultra的过渡, Devos, and Allendale campuses. Students expressed their satisfaction with Ultra, highlighting its user-friendly navigation, simplified assignment submissions, and modern design. Review their additional feedback with associated resources to help you maximize Blackboard Ultra.

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Check the Map!

Anthology定期提供博天堂官方网页Blackboard Learn Ultra将添加哪些功能的更新. They refer to this as their "roadmap."

View the roadmap

Need ideas for organizing your Ultra course?  

Make the Most of Blackboard Ultra


Monthly Release Schedule and Release Notes

Blackboard在每个月的第一个星期五发布新的特性和功能.  See the Release Schedule and the Release Notes for monthly and upcoming features and improvements.

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Help Shape the Future! 

Anthology, Blackboard's parent company, loves hearing from its users. 他们创建了一个网站,社区成员可以在这里分享他们对Blackboard未来的看法. We encourage all faculty to sign up for the Idea Exchange 因此,他们可以添加自己的建议,并对其他人提出的想法进行投票. Anthology staff regularly interacts with the Idea Exchange, providing updates on if and when new features and changes will be added.

Join now and help shape the future of Blackboard!

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Consult with your eLearning Liaisons

We welcome faculty to contact their dedicated eLearning Liaisons whenever you have questions regarding Bb Ultra features. Feel free to set up a consultation for additional guidance or troubleshooting assistance. Our top priority is timely support, and your feedback is essential.


Reminders for Faculty New to Ultra

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Remember the following:

  • eLearning has put together some tips and tricks for how to best copy content from your Classic courses to your Ultra courses
  • See this knowledge base article for best practices and tips for course design in Bb Ultra. 
  • Grand Valley State University uses the Continuous Delivery method, which provides new Bb capabilities and fixes known issues monthly. All system-wide updates are done automatically. 用户可以体验到最新版本的Blackboard Learn Ultra,而不会出现严重的停机或服务中断. See the Release Schedule for the planned timeline and the Release Notes for current and upcoming features and improvements.

New to Ultra? Check out our Ultra Care Package!

Learning Ultra Course View

eLearning Technologies team photo

电子学习技术团队正在为教师提供各种培训机会,以学习Ultra Course视图. Check out our webinar page to register for an Ultra training.

Learn from the Champions!

Many faculty have been using Blackboard Ultra Course View since Fall 2022.  他们很乐意与大学里的其他人分享他们的经验和建议.

Learn more by visiting the Ultra Champions page

About eLearning

About eLearning

电子学习技术提供广泛的服务和资源,旨在通过支持教师提供高质量的数字学习体验,为GVSU的学生提供有凝聚力和无缝的数字学习体验, high-impact, high-engagement innovative teaching. 


  • IDeL
    Exemplary Instructional Design for Online and Hybrid Courses
  • Teaching with Technology
    Effective Application of Instructional Technologies
  • Blackboard
    Learning Management System Enhancement
  • The Bridge
    Interactive Digital Media Development
  • We also partner with the Atomic Object Technology Showcase to bring innovative emerging technologies to GVSU.

Email Us: [email protected]
Call: (616) 331-2101

Hours: 8:30 am - 4pm, Monday through Friday
24x7 After Hours Support is Available

Login to Blackboard

What's New from eLearning

miBUG logo

Grand Valley Hosts 2023 miBUG Conference

On Friday May 5, 2023年,格兰谷州立大学的电子学习技术团队帮助密歇根黑板用户组举办了2023年春季会议. 来自近20个机构的与会者亲自和虚拟地聚集在一起,分享使用Blackboard Learn进行教学的最佳实践,并了解有关该产品未来的更多信息.

Learn More  Visit the Mobile App

Students share the value of online and hybrid learning at GVSU

“就我个人而言,我选择了在线课程,因为我的日常安排中有时间. 我申请了研究生,发现我缺了一门课,在找了一门课之后,我觉得这门课最适合我的生活和兴趣. 我很高兴看到它提供了在线选择,因为我已经每周上两天课,另外两天实习了,除了为人父母和养父母,我的生活仍然很忙.”

- Christy Carpenter

"Supporting faculty pursuing innovation in teaching and learning."

Credits: Bird Tangram Puzzle by irene hoffman from NounProject.com ; Light Bulb by Numero Uno from NounProject.com

Page last modified July 2, 2024