Public Safety Liaison Committee


About the Committee

格兰谷州立大学公共安全联络委员会是 格兰谷州立大学警察的监督委员会 Department. 该委员会是根据第120号法令设立的 of the Public Acts of 1990 of the State of Michigan. Its primary 职能是考虑市民对警务人员的不满 或因此类行为或不作为而引起的GVSU警察局 officers or the department. The committee may prepare and make 博天堂官方网页这些不满的建议,包括建议 对被发现的警务人员采取纪律处分 responsible for misconduct. Such reports shall be submitted to the 格兰谷州立大学校长,并给副校长一份副本 president of finance and administration.

委员会由提名和选举的个人组成 全体教职员工和全体学生 University. Groups are to be determined by the university president. 委员会将至少包括两名学生和两名教员 成员和两名不是教员的工作人员 nor of the Police Department. The chief of police will serve as an ex-officio and nonvoting member. No representative shall serve on the 与任何一名雇员有监督或私人关系的委员会成员 officer or staff member of the police department. 

应尽一切努力以非正式的方式解决不满 the Police Department. In the event that the complainant does not find 此程序可接受,投诉人可取得正式投诉书 投诉表格,由人力资源部或 clicking here.

根据这些规定向委员会提出的所有申诉和报告 委员会应对程序保密. 委员会不会公布有关申诉的信息 成员,除非在本程序中另有规定或根据 由具有有效管辖权的政府机构提出的适当请求 根据有效的法院命令或他/她的法律顾问.

  1. 不满应使用委员会的书面形式提出 standard grievance form. The complainant can obtain a formal 投诉表格,由人力资源部或 clicking here.
  2. 投诉人填写表格,列出被指控的类型 罪行,被指控的罪犯的姓名,以及有关的具体事实 the alleged offense (e.g., time, date, location). The complainant must sign the complaint form.
  3. 投诉人向人事部门提交书面投诉 Resources Department or the Police Department. Grievances submitted 对这些部门应当及时向委员会报告.
  4. 公共安全联络委员会将召开会议,检讨 complaint. The committee will review the complaint and the 附带的事实或情况,以初步确定是否 complaint requires further investigation.
  5. 需要调查的,公共安全联络处 委员会将(i)将申诉提交委员会主任 police, or (ii) coordinate its own investigation. The complainant 我们会通知并咨询被指控的罪犯 委员会的决定,当投诉涉及学生时, 如有必要,将通知学生主任和其他个人.
  1. Referral
    A.  The committee may refer a grievance it has received 由投诉人直接向警察局长投诉,警察局长应 进行调查和审查,按照 university policies and procedures. The committee may supplement the 有任何具体建议、建议或关切的转诊 it has with regard to the issues to be investigated.

    B.  委员会可在任何时候提出要求,并由主任提出 警方应就任何案件的进展提供一份临时报告 investigation of a grievance. The report may be oral and/or in writing.

    C.  Upon completion of the investigation and review of a 投诉后,警务处处长须向 committee. 报告应包括所采取步骤的摘要, 调查结果和结论,采取的任何行动,以及解释 for any unreasonable delays. The report may be oral and/or in writing. 委员会可以接受该报告为最终报告,也可以提出要求 请警察局长进一步调查并提交另一份报告 报告,也可以自行进行进一步调查.
  2. Consideration by the Committee
    委员会可自行就任何申诉进行听证 submitted to it.
    A.  In conducting such hearing, the committee may:
          - question any commanding officer believed 掌握与听证有关的情况,并进行指挥 官员将被要求及时与委员会会面 指导和报告他或她的行为和任何基础 action taken or decision reached; 
          - question any officer 相信有与听证会相关的信息,等等 官员将被要求及时与委员会会面 时尚,与大学的条款一致 agreement with the Police Officers’ Association of Michigan; and
         -在审议期间从任何地方寻求信息 它认为适当的资料,以便委员会得出结论.

    B.  If the chief of police objects to the hearing, the chief may register that objection to the committee. If, after receiving 委员会的回应是,警察局长继续反对, 主任可以向财务副总裁和 administration. If the vice president supports the appeal, the 此事将提交大学校长作出决定.


  1. 可以决定不采取进一步行动,并通知所有人 affected persons of that decision; 
  2. 应拟备一份载有指控陈述的报告; a list of alleged policy violations, and a statement of findings; and
  3. 应报告其调查结果,包括任何有关的建议 对任何警务处人员的纪律措施; to the university president. A copy will also be forwarded to the vice president of finance and administration. No portion of any such 包含提供给的机密信息的报告 committee shall be made public. The university president shall 审查报告,并向委员会提出处理意见 matter. 报告和建议的副本将转交给 the chief of police.

这些程序必须由大学法律顾问办公室审查 and approved by the university president. If the committee proposes 程序,只有大学校长可以接受或拒绝. 

Page last modified December 14, 2018